GO Passionately FOR HIM.

To KNOW Jesus Personally, GROW in Him Purposefully, SHOW Him Publicly, AND GO Passionately FOR HIM.

Pictures from some of the missions that's happened 2024 

Join us the First Saturday of every month as we serve and love our community!
Click the image above for more details!

other LOCAL mission opportunities

Single Mom's Oil Change

Spring & Fall 2025
You don’t have to know how to change oil to serve! During SMOC single moms and their children will hear the Gospel while FBC fills a physical need. Opportunities to serve such as; oil changers, tire inflators, check-in, food server, childcare, clothing pantry and more. 

Vacation Bible School (VBS)

June 1-6 2025
Serve over 500 kids during THE BEST WEEK EVER at VBS. At VBS, kids will explore biblical answers to the world’s questions as they set off from Genesis to Revelation.  

Opportunities to serve as group leaders, station leaders, set-up and more! Contact Rachel Cobb for more info!

Homeless Ministry

Year Round
In Kentucky it was estimated 3,984 people experienced homelessness on a single given night in 2022. As this number continues to increase, it is our duties as Christians to serve those who are in need. Join in opportunities weekly to feed and clothe through our partnership with Madison Homes. 

Addiction Recovery Ministry

Year Round
In 2022 2,135 Kentuckians lost their lives to a drug overdose. Addiction does not look the same in every person but they all need the Love of Christ. Serve alongside our ministry partners such as ENRICH, Celebrate Recovery or with Sammie & Paul Schultz. Needs vary, but drivers always needed. 

Women on Missions Groups at FBC

We invite you to join in our Women on Missions groups as we Learn about missions, pray for missions, give to missions and participate in the work of First Baptist Church.
We have five different WOM groups that are each named after a Kentucky born missionary.
Robin Pinkston Group- Robin is a Kentucky Missionary who lives in Malta!  We meet once a month for mission work and twice a year for long term planning to do the mission. Please contact Sherry Hendrix 859-358-9171 or London Roberts 859-979-3572.

Jane Russell Boyd Group- She was the late wife of Ron Boyd. She went on many mission trips through FBC.  We meet on the First Monday of every month at 6:30 pm in a member’s home or at the mission location. If you would like to join our group please contact Marth Birdwhistle at 502-598-9246 or Sylvia Powell 859-623-2710.

Reva & Jenny Group- Jenny was a missionary in Thailand.  Reva & Gene Milby were international missionaries. We focus on learning about missionaries and participating in local missions. We meet third Thursday at 6:00pm of each month at the home of Dianna Ackerman. Please contact at Dianna at 859-661-5101.
Nadine Lovan Group- Nadine was a missionary who served in Ghana. Her husband was a member of FBC. We meet on the first Tuesday of every Month at 7:00pm at our members houses. If you would like to join our group, please contact Helen Fardo 859-314-4450 for more information.

Clara Matthews Group- Clara was a missionary in the Philippine’s. We meet every 3rd Tuesday in the conference room at FBC. We focus on learning about missions and praying for missionaries. Please contact  Jerrilyn Dyer 859-624-5578 for more information.


When disaster strikes lives are changed. As a KY DR volunteer you will go where disaster has stricken to provide comfort, support and healing. Provide healing and comfort through the Gospel while providing physical support such as cleaning out a flooded home, sawing fallen trees, or even rebuilding damage left by disasters. You never know where the Lord will use you to comfort those after a disaster.  To learn more about serving on a local KY Disaster Relief team contact Richard McDowell or Mike Parke


Join KY Disaster Relief by attending a one day training session.  For info on training events go to www.kybaptist.org/disaster-relief

Mission Levels

Watch for the ICON to determine what each trip falls under.


Our leisure trips are trips that do not require any work once you are there. These trips are predominantly tours such as to the Holy Land. These trips sometimes require a lot of walking. 


Beginner trips are great for the whole family and often times do not require excess labor. These trips are great for first time mission trips and have options for your youngest family member to your oldest. 


Our advanced trips have more labor and physical demands. If you have never been on a mission trip before this may be challenging. We recommend all who go on an advanced trip to check out a beginner trip first. 

State Missions

Kentucky Changers (Youth)

July 12-18
COST: $209.00 church will pay $50
             Your cost will be $159
At Kentucky Changers, 7th - 12th grade students will provide quality repair and maintenance services to people who need some assistance as an expression of Christian service. 

National missions

Loveland, Colorado

Weekend Trips - Year Round
COST: $200.00
Serve alongside our NAMB Church Plant in Loveland, CO. Weekend trips are based on the needs of the Church Plant. If you are interested in leading a weekend trip please connect with the missions team. This is a great opportunity to serve alongside the whole family.

Loveland, Colorado

Sports Camp - June 15 - 21
COST: $400 - $500
Serve alongside River City Church during a week long Sports camp for kids ages 4 - 12. While teaching them sports they will be able to learn about Jesus. This is a great opportunity to serve alongside the whole family. Jerry & Trish Issacs (leaders) 

Loveland, Colorado

Adventure Camp - July 13-17
COST: $400 - $500
Serve alongside River City Church during a week adventure camp. This is a VBS style week as you teach them about Jesus.  This is a great opportunity to serve alongside the whole family. Pastor Travis & Jess (leaders)

International missions

Dominican Republic

May 24-31
COST: $800-$1000
Travel to the Dominican Republic with GO Ministries to  support the work of the local pastor and leaders through children’s and student ministries,  discipleship groups, kids’ clubs, minor construction projects,  field days, and worship events.
More info contact Bill Jackson

Steps of Jesus

If interested contact Pastor Travis
COST: $5,895
Join us on the journey of a lifetime as we explore the land of the Bible. We will follow in the footsteps of Jesus and His disciples as we travel through the Holy Land.
*Please note Missions Scholarships do not apply for this trip.

Jamaica (Youth)

April 7-11
COST: $1,200
While in Jamaica you will serve the community of Waldensia. This trip is primary for youth (Juniors or Seniors) and college age, although others are welcome. Alongside the local church you  will serve a VBS team, work in the local school completing construction projects and
visit the local infirmary. Team Leader Jesse Wright

Dominican Republic

September (TBD)
COST: $600-$800
Serve the Dominican Republic this fall with GO Ministries to support the work of the local pastor and leaders. This will be a construction project. Leaders will be Gareth & Joanna Slater

Mission offerings

At First Baptist we participate in four mission offerings. These mission offerings go directly to support missionaries at all levels, local, state, national and international.

Annie Armstrong

Easter Offering
The Annie Armstrong Easter Offering (AAEO) is the primary way Southern Baptists fund missions in North America. One hundred percent of gifts given to AAEO go to the field to support more than 2,900 missionary families serving across the United States and Canada. 
Offering Emphasis: MARCH
Offering Goal: $25,000.00

Nannie Lee Lackey

FBC Missions Offering
The Nannie Lee Lacky Offering was established in Mrs. Lacky’s memory to assist FBC Richmond members GO on missions to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the Ends of the Earth. 
Offering Emphasis: MAY
Offering Goal: $10,000.00

Eliza Broadus

State Mission Offering
Understanding that missions is what believers do to reach beyond the needs of their congregations to witness and minister for the purpose of fulfilling the Great Commission, KYWMU designed the Eliza Broadus Offering to advance Kentucky Baptists ministry and missions efforts to help people come to know Christ. 
Offering Emphasis: SEPTEMBER
Offering Goal: $15,000.00

Lottie Moon

Christmas Offering
The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering is the primary way Southern Baptists fund missions around the world. One hundred percent of gifts given go directly to missionaries around the world. 
Offering Emphasis: DECEMBER
Offering Goal: $38,000.00