
 Jesse Wright Minister to Youth & Families

Know, grow, show and go together

Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.

Grow Groups (Sunday Morning)
Grow Groups meet each Sunday morning from 9:30 am to 10:45 am.  We begin as a large group for brief time of announcements and prayer. Afterward, students meet in small groups based on grade and gender and are led by our amazing adult team.  We use Lifeway’s Explore the Bible student curriculum for our time together.

MDWK RISE (Wednesday Night)
MDWK RISE is a worship experience for student’s 6th-12th grade.  Doors open at 5:30 pm for a time of fellowship and a meal. The service kicks off at 6:00 pm and lasts until 7:15 pm.  Each week students can expect announcements, games, student led worship, and a gospel message specifically designed for teenagers.

Pastor Jesse cannot reach every student in Madison County alone.  That is why our student ministry has an amazing team of adult leaders to serve alongside him.  Our leadership team believes every young person needs at least one adult and one friend who will pour into their lives.  Our ministry strives to create leaders who will invest in the lives of others.  

Coming Soon…
We will be launching off campus small groups later this year.  Small groups will meet for two hours each Sunday night in homes of adult leaders.  Students love the laid back, in home, teaching style of our small groups.   Each night we will have a meal for students, group games, and a lesson from God’s Word.  More information to come soon!

Sunday Activities

9:30 am GROW Groups/Bible Study in the Youth Area
6:00 pm Cross Life Youth Service in the Sanctuary

Weekly Activities

 Tuesdays at 7:00-7:45 a.m. High School Seminary
Purdy's Coffee Shop - Big Hill Avenue
Wednesdays at 7:30 a.m. First Priority
Madison Central High School in the Library
Wednesdays at 6:00 pm D-Groups in the Youth Area

Activities & Events

Bible Study Sunday Mornings  at 9:30 in the Youth Area!
6th Grade Girls - Room 107
6th Grade Boys - Room 108
7th-8th Grade Girls - Room 111
7th-8th Grade Boys - 105
9th-10th Grade Girls - Room 109
9th-10th Grade Boys - Room 105
11th-12th Grade Co-Ed - Room 112
March small groups for rise student ministry at Jesse’s house (748 Arbor Ridge Dr Richmond)