WE ARE CURRENTLY AT CAPACITY for the 2024/2025 school year


**These numbers indicate current availabilities as of 9:45 am Friday March 7th**
Registration opens to the community on March 7th at 9am. Filling out an enrollment packet DOES NOT secure your spot for community registration. Community members hoping to secure a spot MUST attend in person registration on March 7th to finalize paperwork and pay fees. Any remaining spots will be filled on a first come, first serve basis on March 7th.

M/W Twos: FULL - No Availability
T/TH Twos: FULL - No Availability

M/W Threes: FULL - No availability
T/TH Threes:FULL - No Availability
4-Day Threes: 1 remaining spot

M/W Fours: 1 remaining spots
T/TH Fours: 1 remaining spot
4-Day 4's: 1 remaining spot

Registration Information and student information cards can be picked up at the Church office beginning February 10th. Information and Student Info cards can also be requested via email from the director.

Registration Dates for Fall 2025 School Year

March 7th - Open Community Registration (9pm - 2pm) at First Baptist Church.

** We do not utilize a waiting list for the next school year**
Roster spots are filled on a first come - first serve basis within each registration group.

Class Ages:
Early Preschool Twos MUST be 2 by August 1st, 2025
Preschool Threes MUST be 3 by August 1st, 2025
Pre-K Fours MUST be 4 by August 1st, 2025

Registration Fees
- $175 for the first child;
- $100 for second and third child;
- Waived for any additional children
**All registration fees are non - refundable and MUST be paid at the time of registration.**

At the time of registration you will need to provide:
- Completed Student Information Card (If you have not already emailed to the Director)
- Registration Student/ Parent Info Form (via Brightwheel)
- Completed Statement of Agreements (via Brightwheel)
- Tuition Agreement (via Brightwheel)
- a copy of your child's legal birth certificate (if not uploaded to Brightwheel).
- up-to-date immunization records (if not uploaded to Brightwheel).
- a copy of child's current medical insurance cards (if not uploaded to Brightwheel).
-$175 non-refundable registration fee (can be paid with card, cash, check, or through an active checking account)

**Brightwheel forms are made available to new families when the Student Information Card is submitted. These forms can be completed and submitted prior to registration day, but they DO NOT secure your spot. Spots are only secure after all paperwork is finalized and registration fees are collected.**

Please feel free to contact The Learning Center at heather.may@fbcrichmondky.church with any questions or come by for a tour of our facilities.

We look forward to meeting you and your family soon!
The vision of the Learning Center at First Baptist Church is to work with families to enhance the development of young children, to provide support while working in partnership with like-minded organizations in our community, and to develop the best practices for teaching and ministering to young children and families. This vision will continue to guide our program's growth and development.
We are so pleased that you have taken a moment to find out more about the opportunities available at the First Baptist Learning Center.  

The Center's staff recognizes the precious gift of babies and children and takes seriously the responsibility to care for and demonstrate God's love to the families in Madison County. It is our prayer that it is evident how much we love children and providing a safe, secure and welcoming environment in which our families can experience God's amazing love.

The Learning Center utilizes Bible-based, age-appropriate curriculum in our classrooms. Our purpose is to provide a safe environment that promotes healthy, age-appropriate, development of the whole child. Our program provides various hands-on, child-centered, experiences that guide and encourage cognitive, motor, social, emotional and spiritual growth. With the knowledge and understanding that children progress at different rates we encourage an individualized approach to classroom activities and structure. In addition, the ministry of the church is extended through the Learning Center in order to strengthen and provide support to the family as a unit.

"He said to them, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it.’ And He took the children in His arms, put His hands on them, and blessed them.”    
Mark 10:14-16 (NIV)

The Learning Center is governed by the First Baptist Church (FBC) Learning Center Council which consists of the Learning Center Program Director, Preschool/Children Ministry Director, one Learning Center Teacher, two Learning Center parents, and six FBC church members. The Council meets periodically to discuss and evaluate the center's needs, review progress of set goals, and assist the ministry by guidance and support to teachers and parents.

Our Christian-based preschool classes are accredited through Cognia.
Early Preschool
*For children turning TWO prior to August 1st of that school year

Monday/Wednesday 9:00 a.m. - Noon
Tuesday/Thursday 9:00 a.m. - Noon

Preschool & Pre-Kindergarten

Preschool -For children turning THREE prior to August 1st
Pre-K - For children turning FOUR  prior to
August 1st

Monday/Wednesday 9 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Tuesday/Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Drop-off begins at 8:30 for Pre-K (4's) classes and 8:45 for Early Preschool (2's) and Preschool (3's) classes.
Tuition & Fees
**Fees / Tuition listed are for the upcoming 2025/2026 school year**

Non-refundable Registration Fee: 
- $175 for all programs is due at the time of registration.
-  $100 discounted fee for second/ third child
- Registration fee is waived for any children after the third.

 Supply Fees:
- Early Preschool 2's: $50
- 2-Day Preschool 3's/ PreK 4's: $65
- 4-Day Preschool 4's/ PreK 4's: $75
**Supply fees cover consumable materials needed throughout the school year, such as art and craft supplies, , materials needed for hands on learning projects, and student take home folders. For Preschool and PreK, the supply fee also covers their individual handwriting books that they will take with them at the end of the school year.

Supply Fees will be invoiced in August and can be paid at anytime before the first day of school.

 Early Preschool 2's:  $240 per month; Sept.-May ($2,160 per year)          
2-Day Preschool 3's & PreK 4's: $304 per month; Sept.-May ($2,736 per year)
4-Day Preschool 3's & PreK 4's: $456 per month; Sept.-May ($4,104 per year)

Tuition is paid via Brigtwheel billing. Automatic payment enrollment is required.

A $25 late fee will be assessed after the 8th of each month if payments are not made or are returned.

Note:  Multiple siblings’ discounts are available and are highlighted in the parent handbook. Some scholarship monies are available for families seeking financial assistance. Scholarship applications can be picked up from the Director. Scholarship applications are reviewed and voted on by The Learning Center Administrative Committee.